· Gérard TIXIER · Reports  · 1 min read

Solitude, A Matter of Time

A deeper exploration of how time influences our experience of solitude.

A deeper exploration of how time influences our experience of solitude.

Time, that elusive dimension, has a profound influence on our perception of solitude. In this report, we explore how duration, waiting, and the present moment shape our experience of solitude, and how we can better manage this complex relationship.


Solitude is not just a matter of presence or absence of companions; it is also a matter of time. How is time spent alone perceived differently depending on the circumstances?

The Temporality of Solitude

Solitude can seem endless or, on the contrary, fleeting. Time can be an ally that allows us to rediscover ourselves or an enemy that accentuates the feeling of emptiness. Learning to master this temporality is crucial to better live with solitude.


Understanding the relationship between time and solitude allows us to approach the latter with greater serenity and wisdom. It is a journey toward a more conscious and peaceful solitude.

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