· Gérard TIXIER · Reports  · 1 min read

From Solitude to Isolation

An exploration of the boundaries between solitude and isolation, and how one can lead to the other.

An exploration of the boundaries between solitude and isolation, and how one can lead to the other.

Solitude and isolation are two closely related but distinct concepts. This report explores how solitude, when prolonged or poorly experienced, can evolve into deeper isolation, and the consequences this can have on our well-being.


Solitude is often seen as a welcome pause, a moment to reconnect with oneself. But when these moments are prolonged, they can turn into isolation, a situation that is more difficult to live with and manage.

The Boundaries Between Solitude and Isolation

Isolation can develop insidiously from a solitude that we believed was under control. Understanding where the boundary between these two states lies is crucial to avoid slipping into isolation, which can be harmful.


Becoming aware of this transition from solitude to isolation allows us to stay vigilant and take measures to preserve our mental health and life balance.

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