· Gérard TIXIER · Reports  · 1 min read

Is Solitude an Excuse?

A reflection on how solitude can be used as an excuse to avoid certain realities.

A reflection on how solitude can be used as an excuse to avoid certain realities.

Can solitude be a pretext, a way to protect oneself or avoid necessary confrontations? In this report, we examine the various ways solitude is used, sometimes unconsciously, to justify certain attitudes or decisions.


Some people embrace solitude as a deliberate choice, while others seek refuge in it to avoid difficult realities. This reflection explores the underlying motivations for choosing solitude and its implications on our lives.

Solitude as an Escape

It is tempting to turn to solitude to escape social pressures, family expectations, or even personal challenges. But to what extent is this solitude an authentic choice, and how much is it an escape?


Reflecting on how we use solitude allows us to better understand our deeper motivations. Rather than seeing it as merely a refuge, we might consider it as a space for personal growth and introspection.

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